Monday, May 17, 2010

Reese's preschool

Reese had a very fun preschool experience over the past 4 months. She was kind of sad that it was over last week but she was so glad she was able to go. She will for sure miss her favorite person, Miss Morgan. Here is a recap of the things she has been up to at preschool.

Go here to see more of what she has been up to.



Reese preschool 2010 019Reese preschool 2010 022

Reese preschool 2010 023Reese preschool 2010 026

Reese preschool 2010 088Reese preschool 2010 097

Reese preschool 2010 136

Reese preschool 2010 127

Reese preschool 2010 050Reese preschool 2010 046


{Marie Long} said...

Looks like she really liked school. Did you cut her hair?

Tinaya said...

yes i cut about 4 inches off it a few weeks ago.