Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas

We wanted to wish all of our dear family and friends a Merry Christmas.  
We hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
  We are so grateful to have all of you in our lives.  

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow Day...

It was a rare occasion here in Portland today that we got about 4 inches of snow. They cancelled church so we decided to play in the snow, make treats, and watch movies. It turned out to be a fun day with the family.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Swimming fun...

We took the kids swimming today and had tons of fun. It was Wyatt's first time swimming and he had such a fun time .

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

love these little ones...

I just wanted to take this post to say how much I love being a mom to Reese and Wyatt. They are so adorable. I love hearing them laugh and watching them learn new things. I love it when they want to snuggle with me and give kisses. I love that Wyatt is in awe with his sister and Reese is so protective of her little brother.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wyatt's 1st haircut

Today my mom and I decided Wyatt needed a little hair cut.  He did a good job of sitting still and not trying to grab at the scissors.  He is already turning into a little man!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Our Trip...

The kids and I were able to go to Utah for a week visit. We enjoyed seeing all of our family and friends and having lots of fun. We miss being there and were grateful to go out for a visit.

Reese with her favorite girl cousins, Madilynn, Brooklyn, & Hannah.

Reese with "the boys" Brett & Maguire.

And Wyatt with Grandpa Lloyd.

I was able to go to my best friend, Hollie's wedding in Logan. Her and Dave looked so happy and I was so grateful to be apart of their special day.

I had girl's night out with my dearest friends in Provo that I miss so much. There are all wonderful gals and I was so glad that I got to see them while I was in town. (left to right: Hillary, me, Katie, Morgan, & Marie)

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween 08

We had a great Halloween.  We had a week of fun, ward party, Vince and I went to an adult Halloween party that was lots of fun, lunch and trick r treat with great friends (Emma, Maddy, Madden), and pumpkin carving.  We hope all of you had a fun Halloween like we did!

Wyatt in his adorable lion costume!

Reese was the most adorable Tinkerbell ever, okay we are a bit bias here.

The kids together before trick r treating.

Reese with her cute pumpkin, okay she did have some help carving it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Diapers No More...

After 9 months of potty training with at least 4 different approaches on how best to do it, lots of bribes, tons of accidents, and too much frustration on my part, Reese if finally potty trained. For her reward she got to pick out this adorable little bike. We all could not be happier at our house, let me tell ya!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

They Grow up too Quick...

Wyatt is growing up way too quickly. He is 9 months already and it seems like it was just yesterday that he was just born. He is already 18 pounds, overnight is now wearing 12-18 month size clothes, and no longer fits in the infant carrier. His crawling is hilarious, he moves his hands forward just fine but to move his legs he hops them forward like a bunny, it is so fun to watch. It is amazing how fast time flies and you see more and more of their little personality come through. He is such a good baby and such a joy to have around. He is always smiling and rarely cries. We love our little Mister Wyatt.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Celine Dion...Finally!

Well, alot of you may not know that I am somewhat of a crazy Celine Dion fan. Yes, it is true. I have been in her fan club for many years and do own every one of her albums including her french ones. Anyways, tonight my mother took me to her concert and it was incredible. I have been wanting to go to her concert since, well forever. My parents even bought me tickets to her concert for my high school graduation present and when I got to her concert she cancelled due to sickness. She rescheduled the concert but I was away at college and wasn't able to go. Since then (13 years ago) I have been wanting to see her in concert and tonight my dream finally came true. She is totally amazing and her voice is breathtaking. Now if only I could meet her.
Thanks mom for taking me to the concert, it was fabulous!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pickin Pumpkins

Yesterday we went to the small little pumpkin patch just a few blocks from our house for the kids to pick out some pumpkins. Reese probably picked up 1/3 of the pumpkins in the patch. But after looking at each pumpkin carefully we were able to pick out 4 nice pumpkins. Wyatt wasn't quite sure what it was all about, but really enjoyed watching his sister run around the patch. Reese was very sad that they have to stay outside on the porch and is really looking forward to carving them for Halloween.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Family Home Evening...

We are always trying to find something fun to do with the kids for FHE. My parents have this amazing backyard with a great fire pit and a place to watch movies outside. Tonight was a really nice night so we built a nice fire and made smores, it turned out to be a big hit!

Time for an update...

I know that I have been slacking on the updates so I thought it was about time to post. Life is good for us here in Oregon. We are keeping busy trying to enjoy what is left of the nice weather before it is gone. Reese is so full of energy and is always looking out for her little brother. Wyatt is now 8 1/2 months and is always a happy boy. Recently we went up to Multnomah Falls just about 30 minutes from our home. The kids had fun exploring.

It is much more beatiful in person, I promise!

My cute little Mister Wyatt

This video of Reese is so cute, so loves to sing all the time. Brett & Maguire, Reese says this video is for you!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wild Blackberries

Yesterday I realized we had blackberries growing in one corner of our yard. Blackberries grow everywhere here and I remember growing up picking them often. But Reese and I decided to pick some for a dessert or something. Reese ended up eating more than she picked but we still had lots of fun!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Time

I have been inspired by my dear friend Morgan on getting organized. I have really been trying to organize not just my living spaces but my time as well. With my husband working, 2 kids, church, starting my own business, helping my parents out, and trying to fit in a bunch of other things into my days. I'm really focusing on how I organize my time and making the most of it. I notice quite often I end up wasting time. I feel that I'm in an organize my entire life mode. I have been thinking a lot about how the Lord has an order to things and I feel that I need to have that as well. I have been organizing my living spaces, trying to plan ahead, have more structure with the things I do with my kids, and use my time more wisely. Anyways, just some food for thought. Here are a few pictures of the kids from this past week.
Here is a darling video of Wyatt, he is starting to pick up on some much and
is scooting around everywhere.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Time...or lack there of

Since being home full time with my kids I have been reflecting on time or the lack there of. It is amazing how taking care of two little ones can take up all of your time, free time, extra time, nap time, etc. I am so grateful to be with my kids and focus on them as much as possible, but I always thought that I would have time to do all the things I never got to do while I worked full time. I have this big list and it just doesn't seem like I will be able to get anywhere with crossing some of those things off. I find myself in a whole new world of balancing kids, cleaning, social, church, and me. Does anyone have an suggestions on how they feel like they get through the day, week, or month accomplishing at least something other than weekly laundry, doing dishes, picking up toys, playing with your kids, paying bills, etc.? This is all new to me and I'm open to any suggestions.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Olypmic two cents...

I guess I need to give my two cents on the Olypmics. Well, I have been watching at least every evening. It has been fun to watch and root for the American athletes. We love the gymnastics in our home, yeah for Nastia & Shawn! But we have been kind of disappointed with the new scoring and come on China those girls just aren't 16. Michael Phelps has amazed me and I have loved watching the swimming. I love those close races! Hand ball?!?!? What is this olympic sport, never heard of it. We love olypmics and look forward to watching each day.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Growing up too fast...

It is amazing how quickly your kids getting older. With Reese it really didn't seem that quick. Wyatt is getting so big now, he is over 16 pounds and is the sweetest little boy ever. He is sitting up on his own now and he broke his first tooth last week. He loves to use his voice and click his tongue. Vince and I say all the time that we will always be happy when Wyatt is around because he is always smiling!:) We love this little one and are enjoying watching him learn and grown even if it does seem to go by too quickly.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Happy Bday Vince...

Today was my wonderful loving husband's 32nd birthday. We decided to have a big bbq with a bunch of family friends. We had amazing food and great company. Everyone had a great time and Vince had an enjoyable birthday celebration. I just want the birthday boy to know that I am so grateful for him in my life and I'm very lucky. He is so helpfully with our children and he does a wonderful job of taking care of me and our kids. Happy Birthday Vince!

swimming lessons...

We decided that Reese needed to take swimming lessons since we've been here because she is so affraid of the water. At first it went really well and then the more she learned she got scared again. At the end of the two week class she was loving the pool and now talks about it all the time and can't wait to go back to the pool. We are so glad that she love the pool now, it is amazing how with some effort she has changed her view of swimming.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I found...

...this yesterday. Reese had dumped out all the baking powder on the floor and was playing in it. Gotta love age 2!

Friday, July 18, 2008

6 months, already...

Wyatt is now 6 months old and he sure is the cutest boy ever. He is getting so big and so much fun. He is now 15 lbs 3 oz. He is quickly catching up to his sister. Wyatt now rolls over and is so close to sitting up on his own. He has to be apart of all the action. Love this little one, what a darling little boy.

Eventful July...

We have been here in Oregon for a few weeks now and we have be having lots of fun.
We have enjoyed a fun 4th of July, a trip to the beautiful Oregon coast,
and lots of really nice weather.

Our ward had a fun 4th of July breakfast. All the kids decorated their bikes and had a parade.

Our trip to the coast was lots of fun, flying kites, shopping, and of course some ice cream at the Tillamook Cheese Factory!

We have been lucky to have really great weather while we have been here.
We go swimming in the backyard just about everyday.
Wyatt even enjoys sitting in the pool.